

The Electrocept solution consists of non-contact sensors and a signal processing unit. The entire unit is easily embedded into a mattress for fast ECG acquisition in seconds without the use of electrodes or lead wires.

Electrocept reads the ECG signal through multiple layers of material including clothes, blankets, sheets, and mattress covers. It transmits the medical-grade ECG readings to hospital monitors, allowing for continuous patient monitoring.

Seconds after the patient lays in the bed, Electrocept detects the ECG signal through multiple layers.


In the lab we conducted correlation analysis on ECG simulators and humans using FDA cleared devices. Our results demonstrate 95–99% correlation to the predicate devices for multiple ECG biomarkers. We have clinical trials ongoing at multiple hospitals.

Predictive Analysis

There are 480 biomarkers in the Electrocept ECG that can be used to assist in the diagnosis of hundreds of medical conditions, including sepsis, myocardial infarctions, and infections.

WIth fast and easy ECG acquisition while a person sleeps, drives, or works, Electrocept allows for daily monitoring of these biomarkers and medical conditions.